- Experience the weather like never before. - Enjoy the comfort from latest accurate forecasts. - Plan your personal/business life better. - Catch beautiful moments at your location. - Share your discovery journal with the world. - Explore
新功能: 1、采用最前沿的数据处理及传输技术,流量狂省40%,解析速度提高60%! 2、重磅上线猜您想关注的城市,看看亲友们在哪,让生活到处都有惊喜! 3、新增墨迹摄影社区各类排行榜,打造属于摄影师的英雄榜! 4、新增空气污染指数吐槽功能,一起吐吐槽,
功能列表: 1.新增心情水印,表达情绪 2.新增节日水印,祝福专用 3.本地全景图片,不再截取 4.时景开放本地,不留遗憾 5.横屏拍照分享,正常显示 下载地址
新功能: 1、24小时天气数据,精细展现每个小时天气,墨迹将精准努力做到极致; 2、空指页面自由回复,你说一句,会有万人来顶,敢不敢一起来吐槽? 3、主页背景随心定制,在你的专属空间,尽情展现你最美的风景; 4、如果你喜欢钓鱼,我们新增了钓鱼指数,
Feature: ● Simplified and beautiful layout. ● Vivid animation main page background shows latest live weather. ● 36-hour ahead hourly forecast. ● Enable temperature units swift between Celsius and Fahrenheit. ● Auto refresh 15-day fore